
Unfortunately, at this moment, we don't have any recordings of our music, but we have two videos from our last show in patras, last saturday. Enjoy! (In related Videos, there is also a third live video from our song "Shrouds" )

Doomed To Laugh, Doomed To Cry

Prison Without A Reason


We had a great time last saturday in patras, sharing the stage with many good friends, and 3 of the best hardcore bands in Greece, Censored Sound & Inhuman Poison from Athens, and the mighty thrashy bastards Faithreat from Volos.

Check Them Out!

To λαιβ του σαββατου ηταν φανταστικο. Δεν υπαρχει καλυτερο πραγμα απο το να οργανωνεις, και να μοιραζεσαι τη σκηνη με τρομερες μπαντες που ταυτοχρονα ειναι και καλοι φιλοι. Ευχαριστουμε οσους στηριξαν με καθε τροπο την συναυλια. Παντα τετοια, τσιαααρζζζζζ!