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So, we are just back from Ioannina city. A damaged car wasn' t really an obstacle and we found quickly another way to reach there. This time everything was perfect. Few words can describe the beauty of the city, and fewer the hospitality of the guys we met. We really want to thank the team of Antiviosi Squat for sharing all their amazing rooms with us, "studio from the down" for setting the show up, all the bands for sharing the floor with us, our good old friends we met again and of course the new ones we made.
Θα θέλαμε πραγματικά να ευχαριστήσουμε τα παιδιά που έστησαν το συγκεκριμένο λάιβ. Τον Λευτέρη, τον Γιώργο, τον Βασίλη και τους Skomma, για όλα. Από την πρόσκληση, την διοργάνωση, και την φιλοξενία, μέχρι τις βόλτες, τα πάρτυ, και όλη την καλοπέραση. Σας έχουμε στην καρδιά μας.
Next stop is our hometown, Patras. We are playing in Parartima Squat, next Saturday on November 24th. We are sharing the stage with our brothers Gutter from Athens, Αντίστροφη Μέτρηση from Patras, and Skomma from Ioannina. Unfortunately Unfit Earth had to cancel their appearance due to important reasons. This show is a co-organization between Prokat35 Squat and Ράδιοκατάληψη squatted frequency, for the financial support of all our comrades that have been arrested since September 2012. It is now obvious that governement has absolutely lost control and bursts daily on innocent fighting people.
"A Roar Of Indignation", the international hardcore punk compilation we will participate in, is seriously in the works. Phil, a great and dedicated guy from UK, has been setting this up for months via his label / distro Imminent Distruction Records. Expect killer stuff from many bands all around the world. This Lp will be released in January 2013. 'Till then check definitely the promo video for his brand new release, "Acceleration To Doomsday" compilation ep. This will be the soundtrack of noise Apocalypse. Trust him.