
Elections Fever and Other News


The 'elections' fever has already passed, and nothing's gonna happen, nothing' s gonna change. Our country' s, officially, gonna sink faster and deeper to its Decay. For one more time, right wing political parties are going to govern this shit, while fake left wing people will try to save us. The fascist national front took a percentage of 7% (almost) in these elections, and will seat its ugly ass in the parliament for the first fucking time. We have to rise higher guys, with more power, and finally confront those bastards, those oppresors, those killers. Never forget, never let your self to fall asleep.


In other news, we are very happy, 'cause finally the printing procession of our first release is going to start tomorrow. Both recordings and artwork have been sent in the factory, and by the end of this month (may) we hope to have the cassettes in our hands. We' ll let you know with another post.