
Live Shows.

So, it has been 3 months since the last time we had played in our town, and we are preparing two shows in Patras city. The first one' s gonna take place tomorrow, Friday 23/03/2012, in the university area, at our beloved Prokat35 Squat, along with our hardcore lads My Turn from Athens, and Bandage, a really awesome melodic punk rock band from Athens too. (check "Links" to listen)

The second show is for the next week, Friday 30/03/2012, and it is the first one to play in the center of our city at the historic place of Parartima Squat. We' re gonna share the stage along with Kill The Cat (new kick ass album out now), Tourrettes, Pareesaktee (Παρείσακτοι), and Mavra Provata (Μαύρα Πρόβατα). The show is a co-organization by Porto Patrassο and Radio Katalipsi.

P.S.: In the player of our site we have put a remastered version of our brand new Ep, so be sure to check it one more time!


"We Rise", Ep cassette

Finally we did it. Here is our first self-released Ep in the name "We Rise".
(artwork and cassettes, coming soon)


1. Eternity Shore
2. Dirty Wombs
3. Ώρα Μηδέν
4. No Bending Over
5. Doomed To laugh, Doomed To Cry
6. Πολέμα με τον Τρόπο σου (deathside Cover)

Επιτέλους. Απλά επιτέλους. Ενα ειλικρινές ευχαριστώ στον Σάκη από το noisebox studio χωρίς την βοήθεια του οποίου δεν θα είχε γίνει απολύτως τίποτα. Ανθρώπους τόσο πρόθυμους να βοηθήσουν κάποιον άσχετο σπάνια συναντάς. Cheers!

You can download it here:

link coming soon.


Can' t Wait.
Finally tomorrow we are entering studio.

In the video below we are covering "Άγχος" by Stress, probably the best greek punk band ever existed. A kind of a Legend. The video is a bit noisy, since the live was full of energy, ha!



Live Shots.

(Volos, 25/02/2012, Riot Squat)




Good Fucking News.


So it has been 3 days, since we have arrived from Volos city after our show in Riot squat, last saturday. The show was a blast and full of surprises with the guest appearences of Faithreat zombie moshers, and Unfit Earth, an awesome new crust band from there. This was by far our most energetic show since our beginning. We gave our best, we enjoyed it the best, the crowd was alive, and the whole atmosphere was what we call hardcore, what we call punk. Thanx of course to Riot Squat for the organization, and the bands who shared the stage with us (Absent, My Turn). Tomorrow we are going to post some photos, and maybe a video from our live.

(Volos, 25/02/2012)


We are very happy to present you our new T-shirt design created by our good friend and sick hand Adreas (admc07) (be sure to check his blog). This drawing depicts with the best way our thoughts behind the lyrics, our thoughts about this world, our thoughts about us. We have to get the fuck out of here. We have to burn this filthy world. We have to wake up and destroy it. We really thank Adreas from our hearts.


And finally we are really sick and excited 'cause after a year (and +) of existence, we are entering studio for the recording of our first Ep casette, in the name "We Rise" (despite the first plans of a 7" Ep, release). It will contain six songs of our punk/hardcore music, along with a japcore cover. The recording sessions will begin in 2 weeks. More info sooooon! Stay tuned!

Εντάξει, τι να πούμε... Έχουμε χεστεί απ' την χαρά μας. Η φάση τσουλάει επιτέλους...

(This is the offspring of your world... It gets born, filthy and dead, like your consciences...
Riot Squat, Volos, 25/02/2012)