
Untitled #3

We had a really great time yesterday night. It had been five months since the last time we played in our city and it was fucking great to do this again. La Casa Fantom, the sick d'n'b duo from Norway, ripped everything apart while tons of cold craft beer were consumed. It is amazing to support with such activities, four comrades that faced police oppression in a really hard way.
 It was just a beautiful Tuesday night.

For those who missed the show:



Next Gig

Time to have a show in our town! Next Tuesday 23/10/2012, at Parartima Squat with La Casa Fantom from Norway. Be There.

(poster made by Jerboa the Great)

Τα έσοδα θα διατεθούν για την οικονομική ενίσχυση
 των τεσσάρων συλληφθέντων
 στην Πάτρα, στις 11 Οκτώβρη.


Distribution Points

We are very happy to announce that Imminent Destruction Records is now distributing our records in UK, Europe and probably wherever you live.
Feel free to contact Phil and ask him for everything!
Don't forget to watch his label 'cause he is responsible for some brand-new killer releases that will damage your fucking ears.

Keep an eye on our site for more distribution points of our brand new split Ep, in Greece and elsewhere.

Και κάτι σημαντικό...

Θα θέλαμε και μέσω της συγκεκριμένης μπάντας να εκφράσουμε, την αλληλεγγύη μας στους τέσσερις συλληφθέντες της Πάτρας, και παράλληλα (και για μια ακόμη φορά) το μίσος μας στο κράτος και τα παρακρατικά ακροδεξιά σκουπίδια που το περιβάλλουν.
Είμαστε περισσότεροι από εσάς, οπλισμένοι με δίψα για ελευθερία.



Out Now!
We are fucking excited to announce that our second release is already done and ready to hit your pick up.
It is about a 7" split Ep, consisted of a five-minute epic crust track by Unfit Earth from Volos city, and two tracks by us, "Obsession" and "In The Burrows".
Released in 500 copies by the bands and the following labels: World's Appreciated Kitsch Records, We Don't Fight It Records, and Eye5 Records.

Price: 3.5 euros (Greece).
Price for distros: 3 euros (Greece)

Visit our bandcamp page to listen to our tracks, or download the whole release here

(Distribution Points to be announced)