

Our 12" split LP with Gutter is placed in two top lists for 2013 records, one by Projekt Fishtank blogspot (in Greek), and a second by CVLT Nation web magazine (in English). Check, Read, Share, or whatever!

Now, it's time to farewell 2013 and wish you health, strength and will for a difficult new year.
Take Care.

Dirty Wombs


After The Ruins

Last saturday gig was probably one of the best shows we were ever a part of. It was first of all a show between really good friends that found each other because of their involvement in the same DIY punk rock scene. Besides, playing in Prokat35 Squat, a kind of a second home for some of us, is like reahearsing in the warmest possible place. If you put in the total the great acceptance of the people coming from Patras city, the chaos spread by our friends from Athens and Ioannina, plus the amazing sets of all the bands that played, then it's easy to realize that this show has a special place in our hearts. We would like to thank Conspiracy Of Denial, Lifewreck, Gutter and Ήλιος Θανάτου, for sharing with us the stinky floor, and all the people that visited Prokat35 squat for the good times we spent together. 'Till the next time!


Live Show

Our first show after six almost months will take place this Saturday November 23, in our home Prokat35 squat, Patras city, along with some of the best friends we made through these years of involvement in the scene, like Gutter, Conspiracy Of Denial, Lifewreck, and Ήλιος Θανάτου, all of them coming from the ruins of Athens city. This show will be a blast. Be there or cry later. Poster made by Putrefurnaced



To The Quake Chronicles πρόκειται για μία πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα εγχώρια ιστοσελίδα, η οποία ανά τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα παρουσιάζει -μεταξύ άλλων- κριτικές δίσκων της ευρύτερης ελληνικής DIY σκηνής, και αντίστοιχα ανταποκρίσεις ντόπιων συναυλιακών δρώμενων. Με χαρακτηριστική αγάπη για "παλιακές" ταινίες τρόμου, έχει καταλήξει να είναι τόπος συχνής διαδικτυακής μας επίσκεψης! Τα παιδιά της σελίδας μας ενημέρωσαν πως έκαναν και ένα review για την τελευταία μας κυκλοφορία, όποτε και σας το παραθέτουμε. There's no review for you, foreign Bastards!!!





Here is a video shooting of "Night Fever" played in Parartima Squat few days after the recordings of the 12" split LP. We were lazy bastards back then and did not even move our asses, but, fuck, who cares?, this place was a kind of a second home for some of us. A place of thought, a place of action, a meeting point, a vital space in this damned fuckin' city of the Greek shithole. We can't forget. Let's give our kiss of life to every single dirty corner in our dead cities.



Το καλοκαίρι που μας πέρασε κάναμε μία κουβέντα με τον φίλο Κώστα από την Θεσσαλονίκη, η οποία παρουσιάστηκε, υπό την μορφή συνέντευξης, σε ένα blog που ο Κώστας τρέχει, με τίτλο Noizzzmaker. Σήμερα ήμαστε στην ευχάριστη θέση να παραλάβουμε το fanzine που τελικά δημιούργησε, υλοποιώντας με "σάρκα και οστά" μία ιδέα που οραματίστηκε, και συγκεντρώνοντας μπόλικο και αληθινά ενδιαφέρον υλικό, γύρω από τους ήχους που αγαπάμε, και τους ανθρώπους, τις ιδέες, και την νοοτροπία που βρίσκονται πίσω από κάτι που πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζεται ως πολύ περισσότερο από μουσική. Το έντυπο ονομάζεται "Duende", είναι γραμμένο στα ελληνικά, και περιλαμβάνει ένα φανταστικό αφιέρωμα στα ελληνικά Distros και Labels, κριτικές δίσκων και ανταποκρίσεις συναυλιών, καθώς και συνεντεύξεις με τους Catharsis (USA), τους Sadhaka (USA), τους Between Earth & Sky (Canada / USA), τους Ruined Families (από 'δω), και εμάς!





Here are three more reviews of our 12" split LP with Gutter!

First one is in Your War fanzine, issue #11, August 2013. Thank you Phil!

Maximum Rock 'N' Roll did a short description of our record in issue #365, October 2013

and Blastbeat Mailmurder Productions wrote a few words in their blogspot. You can check here!


Recording Sessions

Today, we finally re-entered studio in order to finish some miscellaneous tracks, a song for an upcoming tape compilation and a japanese cover with -guess what?- greek lyrics! Recordings are taking place in Lubreeka studio, Patras city, along with our most beloved addicted sοund-freak, NeuroTakis. More information soon.

(Kostas' showing melodica skills)



Today it is a sad day for everyone. For every single man and woman who have heart in their chest instead of having shit in the head... Today, early in the morning, a 34 years old antifascist was murdered by nazis, with police unwilling to intervene at the right time.
Vengeance is ours.

Ώρα Μηδέν

"Τα ρολόγια σταμάτησαν να λειτουργούνε
Καθώς η ώρα έφτασε
Οι μέρες του σκότους απλώνονται μπροστά
Σκεπάζοντας τα πάντα σα νεκρά κορμιά

Όλα είναι... Αναμνήσεις μακρινές
Όλα είναι... Παρελθόν μακρινό

Το μίσος που είναι
Στις φλέβες ποτισμένο

Το αίμα αθώων
Πρωτόγονα χυμένο
Μας πνίγει...

Μα πλέον είναι
Η δράση αναγκαία
Για αλλαγή...

Οι δείκτες στα ρολόγια
Δείχνουν μηδέν
Για ανατροπή..."



Here are some (not sooo) news about other bands where some of our members also play. So, Kostas plays also the guitars in Faithreat, a thrash / crossover / hardcore band from Volos, Greece. They are about to release their second self-titled LP and here you can check out a track from this upcoming record.

Dinos plays the bass and sings for Λήθη (means "oblivion" / pronounced "Leethe"), a three-piece blackened crust act from Patras, Greece. They are also about to release their debut LP and here you can have a taste
of it.

In Dirty Wombs news, we' re going to participate with a new track in a DIY international tape compilation, released by the greek label Sabrota DIY. Fans of hardcore punk, black metal, grind, and queercore, soon it comes!

'Till then, smash the fucking scums!


Split Goes In UK!

Our 12" Split Lp with Gutter is now distributed in UK by Imminent Destruction Records. Thanx again Phil, for all your love and support so far. Our new record is also distributed in Greece by the following cool labels / distros:

Mountza Fanzine (Athens)
Eye5 Records (North Greece)
Blastbeat Mailmurder Productions (Athens)
Now Or Never (Thessaloniki)
Screaming Victims Records (Volos)
Biologica Squad (Thessaloniki)

plus you can find it also in Poland by:

No Sanctuary Records (Poland)

You can obviously order your copy directly from us! You better move fast 'cause few copies have only remained. Cheers!



Today morning in our city, Parartima Squat, Μαραγκοπούλειο Squat, and Squat at T.E.I., got concurrently evicted by the police. After similar acts in Athens and Thessaloniki, government attacked Patras and its vital places of resistance. Next stop is your city.

Spread the word. Fight Back. Solidarity Now.

For those who forget and for those who want to forget.
Parartima squat back in 1973.
A starting point for the subvert of Junta.
2013 and dictatorship is still here with a different name...



Well Kostas from Noizzzmaker blogspot sent us some really nice questions and we did together the following interview in Greek! These are his questions:

1.       Καταρχήν, μιας και μόλις γυρίσατε από το πρώτο σας ελληνικό tour, πείτε μου τα συναισθήματα σας για αυτό. Μακρηγορείστε όσο θέλετε, για τις σχέσεις σας με τους Backlash, ποια πόλη γουστάρατε πιο πολύ, τι προβλήματα παρουσιάστηκαν, αστεία περιστατικά, τα πάντα.

2.       Αν θυμάμαι καλά τον Απρίλιο είχατε παίξει και Αγγλία. Γενικά όταν επιστρέφετε μετά από τέτοιες εμπειρίες νιώθετε διαφορετικοί; Π.χ. υπάρχει βαρεμάρα, υπάρχει έμπνευση σε στυλ «πω πω, αυτή είναι η φάση μας» και να σου τα riff-άκια, τι ακριβώς; Με τις κοπελιές σας πώς το διαχειρίζεστε, δεν γκρινιάζουν;

3.       Μιας και το "Dirty Wombs/Guttersplit album είναι φρέσκο φρέσκο, θέλω να πούμε μερικά πράγματα για αυτό. Καταρχήν μου φανήκατε πολύ «θετικοί» στους στίχους σας, τι έπαιξε;

4.       Η πλευρά των Gutter πώς σας φάνηκε; Εγώ δεν τους είχα ξανακούσει κι έπαθα πλάκα.

5.       Ξέρω ότι είναι μεγάλο ζόρι για μία μπάντα να «βρει τον ήχο της», όπως λένε. Δηλαδή ρυθμίσεις στον ενισχυτή, πεταλάκια, ποιος ενισχυτής, ποια κιθάρα, ποιο κούρδισμα κλπ. κλπ. Εσείς πώς την παλέψατε με αυτό; Σαν διαδικασία το βρήκατε/βρίσκετε δημιουργικό ή απλά σαν μία σπαστική διαδικασία που απλά πρέπει να γίνει; Συνεχίζετε να ψάχνεστε σε αυτό ή πιστεύετε ότι έχετε κατασταλάξει κάπου; Π.χ. εμένα ο ήχος της πλευράς σας στο split μου φάνηκε ένα κλικ πιο αδύναμος σε σχέση με το "We riseEPας πούμε.

6.       Έχετε ένα κόλλημα με την Ιαπωνία. Αυτό ξεκίνησε με τη μουσική ή είχατε κάποια σχέση νωρίτερα; Π.χ. manga, αυτές οι τσόντες με τα κινούμενα σχέδια, οι περίεργες ταινίες με τα σπαθιά κλπ. Εγώ ξερνάω με όλα αυτά.

7.       Σχετικά με την ιαπωνική σκηνή τώρα. Έχετε ψαχτεί μόνο με japcore ή ακούτε κι άλλα πράγματα γενικά, π.χ. Ritual Carnage,Boris κλπ; Τι τόσο ξεχωριστό βρίσκετε ότι έχει το ιαπωνικό crust; Π.χ. εγώ δεν έχω ψαχτεί πολύ, λίγο Muga, λίγο Disclose κλπ. Θέλω να με πείσετε να ασχοληθώ, για αυτό ρωτάω! Επίσης αν δεν το έχετε δει ήδη, στο Projekt Fishtank έχει ένα γαμηστερό αφιέρωμα για την Ιαπωνία.

8.       Τραγουδάτε κατά βάση στα αγγλικά, και λιγότερα στα ελληνικά. Σας είναι πιο εύκολο να εκφράζεστε σε αυτήν τη γλώσσα; Π.χ. εγώ που μεγάλωσα με metal δεν μπορώ να με φανταστώ να γράφω στα ελληνικά, τα αγγλικά μου φαίνονται πιο εύκολα. Ή το κάνετε για να σας καταλαβαίνουν και οι  μη-Έλληνες;

9.       Το πρώτο σας EP κυκλοφόρησε σε κασέτα, ενώ οι υπόλοιπες δουλειές σας σε βινύλιο. CD θα δούμε ποτέ; Ποια η γνώμη σας γενικά για όλα αυτά τα format; Τις προάλλες διάβασα μία φράση του John Peel (R.I.P.) που μου άρεσε: «Somebody was trying to tell me that CDs are better than vinyl because they don't have any surface noise.I said, 'Listenmatelife has surface noise». Από την άλλη το βρίσκω και λίγο ψιλο-φετιχιστικό όλο αυτό. Π.χ. τις προάλλες συνειδητοποίησα ότι το ντεμπούτο των Sadhaka το έχω σε CD, το έχω και σε κασέτα, αλλά συνήθως το ακούω από το bandcamp τους, παράνοια, δηλαδή. Επίσης όλο αυτό το επιχείρημα ότι καταλαβαίνεις ένα δίσκο μόνο αν τον πάρεις σε φυσική μορφή κλπ. το θεωρώ μούφα, π.χ. το "Passion" των Catharsis μου άλλαξε τη ζωή ενώ το είχα κατεβάσει από Soulseek. Εσείς τι πιστεύετε για αυτό το καυτό θέμα;

10.   Πάμε και στο άλλο καυτό θέμα, D.I.Y., μαγαζιά, καταλήψεις κλπ. Εσείς έχετε επιλέξει να κινείστε σε αυτοοργανωμένους χώρους, γιατί το κάνατε αυτό;

11.   (Μία ερώτηση για τον Ντίνο). Πρόσφατα έβγαλες το πρώτο τεύχος του Winterview zine. Τι σε ώθησε σε αυτήν την κίνηση; Νιώθεις ότι σε τρώει ένα σαράκι κι αυτό φεύγει μόνο όταν τυπώνεις τις σκέψεις σου σε χαρτί; Γενικά ποια fanzines διαβάζεις/προτείνεις; Εγώ τα γουστάρω καταρχήν γιατί οι ερωτήσεις είναι το ίδιο ενδιαφέρουσες με τις απαντήσεις, κάτι που (συνήθως) δε συμβαίνει σταmainstream περιοδικά. Δηλαδή δεν υπάρχει ακριβώς αυτό το «ερώτηση-απάντηση», είναι πιο αμφίδρομος ο τρόπος.

12.   Για το τέλος, επειδή ξέρω ότι ακούτε πολύ μουσική, θέλω να μου προτείνετε από 5 κυκλοφορίες ο καθένας που πιστεύετε ότι θα κάνει καλύτερο άνθρωπο όποιον τις ακούσει. Παλιά, καινούρια,  punkmetal, οτιδήποτε.

13.   Επειδή ξέμεινα από έμπνευση και φαντασία (το παθαίνω συχνά, δυστυχώς), προσθέστε ό,τι θέλετε για το τέλος. Π.χ. κάτι που περιμένατε να σας ρωτήσω κι εγώ ο μαλάκας το ξέχασα, οτιδήποτε.

And HERE are the answers!

Thanx and Cheers Kostas!


Reviews / News

Here you can read a review for our new 12" Split LP by Kostas and Noizzzmaker blogspot. Thanx mate! Our friend from Japan and Whispering Gloom did also a review for that Split in Japanese language. Thank you too!

Maximum Rock 'n' Roll, issue #362, July 2013, includes a review for our 7" Split EP with Unfit Earth. Thank you Mike Howes.

Of course, our 12" Split LP with Gutter is still available and this is how it looks like:


You can find it at the following distro points:

Scarecrow Records (Athens, GR)
Screaming Victims Records (Volos, GR)
No Sanctuary Records (Poland)
NowOrNever distro (Thessaloniki, GR)
Biologica Squad (Thessaloniki, GR)
Rhythm Records Shop (Athens, GR)
Scullcrasher Records (Athens, GR)

or purchase it straight from us for 10 euros. We also give an offer, all of our releases plus t-shirt, for 20 euros.



Greek Tour Report

Hey Hey! We' re finally back f
rom our greek tour with Backlash from Finland and we're just trying to collect and write down some of the moments we spent together during those six amazing epic days! So, on Wednesday 26th we loaded all of our stuff in two cars and took the way straight to Larissa city for our first time (too). The show was good, the night was cool and it was great to see again some of our good friends from Larissa, Volos and Tyrnavos town.

Next it was
 Thessaloniki, one of our most beloved greek cities. This city definitely radiates a different air... We had fortunately the time to hang out during the day and we enjoyed it a lot. In the evening we had to go for the show to Steki Sto Viologiko Squat, an amazing place which has been occupied for almost twenty six years. We were exicted to play there. The show was great, Backlash were great, and the atmosphere was really beautiful and we had a great after-show time too. 

 was definitely the surprise of the whole tour. We didn't expect anything at that time and we still discuss about it at the moment. The guys from the new squat at the university area were all the best and the whole show was what we call "pure". Few people, almost eighty, but alive and really interested in the whole show. That show reminded of classic provincial good gigs in Greece!

Last stop of our tour was
 Athens with the second edition of "Hardcore Show In The Streets". The show was fucking incredible and the bands were all amazing. Be sure to check this new band "Ήλιος Θανάτου" and go immidiately listen to Gutter. The place was the best it could be and we' re really glad that we met so many beautiful people, make new friends, and came across old ones. We really doubt if shows like that are getting organized often abroad.

At this point we would like to thank with no particular order the following people: Pavlis, Loizos, Yannis, Stelios and Dyspnea crew from Larissa city, Dimitris, Natalia, Martina, Andreas, Lazaros, Yannis and Biologica Squad from Thessaloniki, Nikos Ania, Kwstas, and all the guys from Karditsa city, Iasonas, Yorgakis, Vas, Mike, Apostolis, Xristina, Harris, Vasilis, Iro, Bak, Stathis, Ilias, Vag from Athens city, Olga, Gina, and everyone else that helped us with these four great shows.

Thanx again for your hospitality and the great food that you cooked for us!

Last but not least, we would like to thank from our hearts our Finnish mates Backlash for the times we spent together in Greece. 'Till the next time...Bönthö!!!!!!

P.S.: Το παλικάρι που έβγαζε φωτογραφίες στη συναυλία της Αθήνας ας στείλει ένα μήνυμα!
P.S.: We' re also distributing the record "Realities Of Life" by Backlash. Contact us.





Karditsa Show!

On Friday 28th of June we' re playing in Karditsa city at "Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Στέκι Στα Τ.Ε.Ι." along with Backlash from Finland, Στείρωση from Athens and the locals Fuck The Civilization. We' re really excited to visit and play in Karditsa for our first time as also to support the new squat, the place our comrades just occupied in the university area.
See the poster of the show below!

Can't Wait for that one!


More Posters

On Thursday 27th of June we will play our second show of the tour in Thessaloniki at Steki Sto Viologiko squat, along with Backlash and Ψευδοπροφήτες

and on Saturday 29th of June we will play in Athens, in Kerameikos area, along with our friends Gutter and Ήλιος Θανάτου. Show starts at 21:00 strictly!

Waiting to see YOU!


Larissa Show

Our first show of the tour with Backlash will take place in Larissa city, at skatepark area. We will share the half-pipe with Dyspnea crusties from Tyrnavos town. Let's skate and make some noise!


June Greek Tour

We' re extremely happy to announce that we' re gonna finally tour Greece along with our friends Backlash, a japanese hardcore punk band from Tampere, Finland. It is the first time for us to play in beautiful places like Larissa and Thessaloniki, and also Karditsa where some comrades just occupied an abandoned space and gave Life to it -these places were always our home-. Last but not least, we finally return to Athens and our most beloved friends who will set a killer show just in the streets, in Kerameikos area.

So, here are the dates:

WED 26th June - Larissa - Skate Park
THU 27th June - Thessaloniki - Biologica Squat
FRI 28th June - Karditsa - Squat at T.E.I.
SAT 29th June - Athens - Kerameikos Area

Here is the tour poster made by our friend Mihalis:

(Αυτός είναι ο καρπός του κόσμου σας... Σάπιος και
νεκρός γεννιέται σαν τις συνειδήσεις σας...)

Bands and gig posters, soon to be announced.
We will also carry with us all of our releases, the 12" split LP with Gutter, plus T-shirts.

See you on the floors!

(our biggest thanx to Pavlis and Stelios, Dimitris, Natalia and Biologica squad, Nikos from Karditsa, and the Athens Crew)


Split LP Out Now!

Our split LP with Gutter is finally out and ready to hit your turntable!
Released in 321 copies, on heavy 180gr black vinyl, it is accompanied with black paper inner sleeve, printed outer sleeve, two pages printed insert, plus obi strip.

A co-release between the bands and

Screaming Victims Records
Scarecrow Records
No Sanctuary Records

Feel free to send us a message and order your copy.
For wholesales please contact and support the labels.

Play It Loud. Trust The Vinyl Sound!

(more photos soon)


Meanwhile, in Turkey...

...people from all over the country are marching in Taksim square. Oppression, repression and police brutality are everywhere.

Fight Back. Never Surrender. Never Retreat.


New Release!
Gutter - Dirty Wombs
12" split LP

Our 12" split LP with Gutter is finally ready!
Download whole release HERE.
Visit our bandcamp page to listen to our side.

Vinyls coming in June.

We would like to thank from our hearts: our brothers Gutter from Athens, Makis and Screaming Victims Records, Darek and Scarecrow Records, Artur and No Sanctuary Records, Anastasia, Vasilis Jerboa, and Kostas Kostopoulos, who made this release possible...


Cheers to all of YOU, bastard sons of the Womb...


Welcome The Pain

Well, finally our 12" split LP with Gutter from Athens is almost ready. We participate with one side and five brand new tracks. Listen to "Welcome The Pain" below.

More news coming soon!


UK Report

So, we' re finally back from our UK shows and we simply are unable to describe how we felt during this trip abroad. Let's try to put some words down.

The first show took place at a tiny stage at The Birds Nest, a beautiful pub in London South-East. Burt Ward, a fast hardcore punk band from Scottland, played first. We were next and Cleavers from Scottland too played in the third place. It was our first experience as a band abroad and we definitely were more than excited. The show was great and it was amazing to play in front of familiars faces like relatives and good friends. Thanx and cheers to: Aris, Christos, Kevin, Krzysz, Jeff (Hello Bastards), Iliana and her girls, and of course the bands who gave us their equipment! Cheers again!

Then it was friday, then it was a fucking BLAST! Bristol's gig is probably one of our favorite ever shows. Everything was amazing. The people, the place, the bands, the after-show party, everything. Disfortune from Bristol played first, delivering a great set of pure fast raw d-beat hardcore. London' s Agnosy were next with an incredible set. One of the best crust bands out there. Be sure to check them out. We were last, and gave what we had and didn't have. We really enjoyed it. HERE is a part from our set.

We would like to thank from our hearts: Bastard Squad Collective, Agnosy, Disfortune, Lila and The Red Lion pub Crew, Evi, Yorgos, Maria, Marty, Paul Cussens, the crew from Poland, Taf from Disorder, and definitely all the BRISTOL PUNX! We' ll never forget! CHEERS!

(Disfortune / Agnosy)

Last but not least, the biggest hags go to Alex who stayed in Athens but helped a lot, and Phil 'O Grady, our man and great friend, who arranged, met, supported, and followed us in these two amazing shows. Thanx for everything.

'Till The Next Time, Burn The Fucking Shrouds!

Before we go,

"A Roar Of Indignation", the internatinal hardcore punk compilation we participate in, is finally released. Visit Imminent Destruction Records and contact Phil to get your copy!

Our records are distributed in UK by Imminent Destruction Records (see above) and All Ages Records Shop in Camden town, London. Visit it!