Coming Soon

"Night Fever" T-shirt preview.
Color: Sportsgrey
Shirt Brand: Fruit Of The Loom
Quantity: 100
The shirts will be ready by the end of this month. For (pre)orders feel free to contact the band or just find the shirt in an upcoming gig. Original photos of the shirt along with some other offers...coming soon too! We would like to thank Stavros aka Drop_Virus 666 of Antimob' s fame for his crazy drunken design. Cheeeers!

"Night Fever" T-shirt preview.
Color: Sportsgrey
Shirt Brand: Fruit Of The Loom
Quantity: 100
The shirts will be ready by the end of this month. For (pre)orders feel free to contact the band or just find the shirt in an upcoming gig. Original photos of the shirt along with some other offers...coming soon too! We would like to thank Stavros aka Drop_Virus 666 of Antimob' s fame for his crazy drunken design. Cheeeers!