
After The Ruins

Last saturday gig was probably one of the best shows we were ever a part of. It was first of all a show between really good friends that found each other because of their involvement in the same DIY punk rock scene. Besides, playing in Prokat35 Squat, a kind of a second home for some of us, is like reahearsing in the warmest possible place. If you put in the total the great acceptance of the people coming from Patras city, the chaos spread by our friends from Athens and Ioannina, plus the amazing sets of all the bands that played, then it's easy to realize that this show has a special place in our hearts. We would like to thank Conspiracy Of Denial, Lifewreck, Gutter and Ήλιος Θανάτου, for sharing with us the stinky floor, and all the people that visited Prokat35 squat for the good times we spent together. 'Till the next time!


Live Show

Our first show after six almost months will take place this Saturday November 23, in our home Prokat35 squat, Patras city, along with some of the best friends we made through these years of involvement in the scene, like Gutter, Conspiracy Of Denial, Lifewreck, and Ήλιος Θανάτου, all of them coming from the ruins of Athens city. This show will be a blast. Be there or cry later. Poster made by Putrefurnaced



To The Quake Chronicles πρόκειται για μία πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα εγχώρια ιστοσελίδα, η οποία ανά τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα παρουσιάζει -μεταξύ άλλων- κριτικές δίσκων της ευρύτερης ελληνικής DIY σκηνής, και αντίστοιχα ανταποκρίσεις ντόπιων συναυλιακών δρώμενων. Με χαρακτηριστική αγάπη για "παλιακές" ταινίες τρόμου, έχει καταλήξει να είναι τόπος συχνής διαδικτυακής μας επίσκεψης! Τα παιδιά της σελίδας μας ενημέρωσαν πως έκαναν και ένα review για την τελευταία μας κυκλοφορία, όποτε και σας το παραθέτουμε. There's no review for you, foreign Bastards!!!





Here is a video shooting of "Night Fever" played in Parartima Squat few days after the recordings of the 12" split LP. We were lazy bastards back then and did not even move our asses, but, fuck, who cares?, this place was a kind of a second home for some of us. A place of thought, a place of action, a meeting point, a vital space in this damned fuckin' city of the Greek shithole. We can't forget. Let's give our kiss of life to every single dirty corner in our dead cities.